Friday, August 27, 2010

The Cat

I don't want to come out as an animal hater when i say i hate cats. But i guess wanting wring the neck of one and to throw one by its tails does not make me much nice too. (I swear i am better with dogs. Or anything that flies or walks on four legs. I hate fish. They are for eating.) I don't know where i get these cat hurting urges. Mom says its from the time one scratched me when i was 8. (Guess its dead now and i am not. Ha, you cat-bitch!)
So far this had been a non issue. I have known and liked people who in fact(to the horror!) owned cats. I made fun of them, insulted them and always told the cat is not cute. (No wonder some never keep in touch.) But, my closest ones are also not big fans of the four legged selfish masterminds who wants to take over the world. Especially in my family. While me and my bro do like the big ones, (tigers are not cats, damnit!) we always voted for dogs to be adopted and not cats. Thus we had Rocky, our GSD, not a monster named chucky or leo.( Damn i love the name Leo. Next dog. Period.)
I should have known that this domestic bliss would have a short life.
During the world cup, it happened.
Imagine the ugliest, unhealthiest cat you can image. Thats what happened.
At first when it trotted around the kitchen, we all thought it will die in 3 days maximum. Mom took pity on the monster and gave it a fair share of Rocky's milk. I was horrified to find it comfortably drinking milk near the firewood out back. Along with me, dad too registered his opposition to this new animal.
I should never have forgotten that the one thing me and mom share is our sovereign contempt for anything other family members think or want. Thus mom, also the queen bee and sole ruler of our home decided to keep the monster kitty. And named it SAKUMI. For the world cup mascot. Jeezus freaking Christ!
All these time, i thought either it will die, or we will chase it out of home. Or Rocky will do the job. We were shocked to find that his smelling is pretty lame for one of the-most-used-dog-breed-in-police. He knows mom is harboring hostage, he sniffs for it and never ever went close to its hiding. Shameless doggie! Now there goes my plans of him joining CIA! Hmmph
And once it had established rapport with mom, (mom calls, it purrs. How disgusting!) it turned on me. I knew it would. One day i discovered that my room smelled of urine. And later of poop. I found cat shit in two different places and one on a cloth, which i dont own now. Of the whole house and backyard and all, the monster had to shit in my room. My room!
Consider this as a statutory warning. Cats are evil. They select their opponents, the plan the attack in minute detail and they carry that out with precision. They are watching us. I even doubt this cat is a reincarnation of you-know-which-cat. To my everlasting dread, its getting healthy now. And fearless as it roams the hall and sits on the window sill.
Any way, i am forced to lock my door and windows now.
I am safe.
Until the Cat forges the key.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Organised Mess that is also known as my life

Long time, no post about moi, the queen of this page (At least).
  • Am going at this in bullet points because i think it will look in order and that would be the only thing orderly in my whole frikking life now. Its a terrible mess which got rundown by a train. Or looks like it.
  • Onam was nice as usual, Family and Food. Two things i like and is not good for me. I discovered that cooking criticisms really really hurt me. And i swear it was not THAT bad. :|
  • Did i mentioned i am jobless now? Sigh. I feel awful about you, who is reading all this crap and is feeling awful about me. But yes, unemployed. It really does suck.
  • I am reading some Gay romance novels now, which i tell you, is rather nice too. Except the steam scenes, which i can live without. Does reading it makes me Queer-ish? I swear if were a man, i would be gay. Since i find men rather interesting and not women(even if those men are doing things to each other) i think i do come under the straight group. The majority. How boring!
  • So, why in pop culture Gay men are depicted hunky, in fashion, nice and chatty and Lesbians are depicted aggressive, negative and rather bitchy? Why why why?
  • I, along with my best friend Rudeboy, think that i am really partial to gay men. This would be explained by my love for Neil Patrick Harris, Chris Colfer and Matt Bomer. This also means i watch too much TV and read too much gossips.
  • I really hope this post does not turn out to be one on my sexual orientation. Which i am not sure yet ;)
  • All things aside i think i am drunk. A teeny bit. This will excuse anything i might have said.
Adios Amigos!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Cutting the cord

There are a very few relationships that run life long in perfect harmony. Highs and lows. Happy times and sad times. All rolled into a thrilling beautiful ride. But some gets cut when the song is picking up the high notes. Or dies down when the slowness takes over. Or just gets plain irritating. Thus life is a symphony of a many songs. Some complete. Some incomplete.
Whoa! Why am I getting philosophic all of a sudden? Is age catching up with you favourite smalltown being? Na! I am just playing with you.
But what I was saying, there are time periods to certain relations. After a time it should be cut down. Even though there are no sour grapes. Even though you still like this person and he/she obviously cares about you a lot. There are certain junctures where you have to stop it and move on.
This is about someone I used to like a lot. I still do. One of my favourite people online. Always helping and always there with a hi. But you know, things always dont stop at great friendship. Sometimes you jump into relationships without thinking. Knowing thats its for fun. No future. No commitment. When time comes, one person move on. No hard feelings. And you are majorly lucky if you are that one person. Moving on one. If you are the other, its still ok, you dont care much. But it still stings somewhere. I dont want anything. I dont want old days back. But seeing someone happy and all when you are no where? It sucks. If I am bitchy for saying that aloud, so I am.
So, bye dear one, you struck a beautiful cord in my symphony.