Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Why I hate MFPA

You haven't heard of MFPA?
Mouth and Foot Painting Artists? Well, apparently, this is a group of handicapped people who paints with their mouth and foot. And thus, this association provides them a monthly salary and all and then they live happily ever after.
How is it any concern of mine, you ask? Good question darling.
This year they sent me a few of their paintings in card form. Its free. I can use it as greeting cards and sent it to whom ever i please. Awesome, right? Total win-win!
The catch is that, i have to send them money for it if i want to. IF I WANT TO. Like i am the salazar slytherin who doesn't take pity on the poor peoplewho don't have hand and foot. See, if i were more practical, i would've avoided this and put the whole thing behind me in a flash. But i bet they didn't had that in mind when they chose me to slaughter.
The thing is, unlike the MFPA guys, i don't earn much money. I don't even have regular income. I am, like any other practitioner, trying to establish a practice, and there are days when i earn a lot. And there are days when i don't. I like think that my life is like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's. You know that story.
So the thing is, when people send me abso-fucking-lutely beautiful cards, i pay for them. I have to. And i even though they kinda dragged me into the middle of this, i am going to.
What i want is, i want you all to go to their website.

Join their newsletter program or just buy a few paintings. Its gorgeous and you are helping someone.
If you want to help more people, you can send ME money. *batting lashes*
Just drop a line and i am so going to get in touch. I take checks or credit cards or free food. :P
And these are some cards they sent me.


purple moonbeam said...

You mean blackmail? :D
Checked out the website. Paintings and cards are really lovely.. goes to show that talent is unstoppable! Isn't this organization based in India though (considering the office is in Andheri..)? I'm surprised at them all depicting scenes from the English countryside. More British lovers you think? ;)

Sailor said...

They are lovely. I will buy some soon.